當時大多數fans都還不清楚這位男性的資料,有線索的fans也因為他並非公眾人物,為了避免造成困擾,他的名字一直是非公開談論的主題,加上迪士尼照片中Will看起來還是很年輕 XD,因此Fandom開始代稱他為Disneyland Boy。(現在還是有迷妹用的這個稱呼,原因如前述)
2013年1月Struck By Lightning的首映上,有Fans回報Disneyland Boy出席的消息。Chris在這段期間的訪談也開始對於是否有交往對象這個問題鬆口。
同月就是對Fans來說非常關鍵的SAG(演員工會獎)。在此之前Will出現的場合多半屬於私人行程,或是像Struck By Lightning的首映那樣fans到場才看到他有出席。而在SAG,Will成為首次Chris除了家人或閨密以外的date。經過了那麼多個月神出鬼沒(?),Chris終於正式將Will以正式典禮date的方式介紹給fans和媒體,對fans來說已經足以表示Will的身分。典禮結束後他們也留下很親密的互動(捧頰)。
不只是SAG,之後Will也多次為Chris公開場合date(包含當時尚未改名為thebacklot的AfterElton也推文調戲他們了一下 XD),私底下的聚會、party
身為Chris Stan,Chris不管與誰交往對我來說都一樣重要,因為那是他選擇的生活模式,作為fans能做的就是理解與支持 XD。尤其是Will在一起不只是讓人覺得Chris朋友圈變大了、比較會在外面跑跳了 XD,Will看著Chris的眼神更讓人無法抗拒(掩面亂滾),很難不支持他們。兩位身材精實的帥哥甜蜜互動只是附加價值(喂
身為Chris Stan,Chris不管與誰交往對我來說都一樣重要,因為那是他選擇的生活模式,作為fans能做的就是理解與支持 XD。尤其是Will在一起不只是讓人覺得Chris朋友圈變大了、比較會在外面跑跳了 XD,Will看著Chris的眼神更讓人無法抗拒(掩面亂滾),很難不支持他們。
2012/12/09 Naya Rivera birthday Party
2012/12~2013/01 New Year’s vacation in Europe(Disneyland)
2013/01/06 Struck By Lightning premiere
2013/01/11 訪談:
Do you have time to go on dates now?
Yeah. Yeah.
Do you not want to talk about that?
I have nothing that I want to hide, but I have to be very careful, because I have very passionate fans that are very protective over me. I always keep that tight-lipped for people’s safety.
Have you ever had a boyfriend?
Yeah. Yeah.
But we don’t know who he is?
Well, I mean, it’s not a secret, but I don’t want to list his name or anything. Or their names. I’ve always been that way. I’ve always been protective of my personal life. It used to drive my parents nuts, because I would never let them see me in school plays. I really like to keep my personal and professional as separate as possible.
2013/01/14 Live with Kelly and Michael
2013/01/14 SAG Awards
February 2013 issue of People Magazine
2013/02/24 Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party(oscars)
*請注意Will和Ash的互動,他們感情真的很好 XDrz
2013/03/11 at Landmark Theaters
@thecameroncash Love these boys. @chillwithwill @samuelb1984 @brianjosephgillespie et al!
2013/04/13-14 Coachella
@hrhchriscolfer: More #Coachella fun.
*狂推這位迷妹的這篇reaction,可愛到爆炸 XD
2013/05/11 Wango Tango
2013/05/13 Fox Upfronts(SOHO)
2013/05/14 Fox Upfronts
@aplotkin716 Reunited and it feels so good!! @hrhchriscolfer @chillwithwill @axemefink #howsyourmonday
2013/05/16 Annie
ane姨演出的百老匯劇,glee cast都有去捧場喔。Chris和Will加一群小孩……(掩面痛哭)
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