2013.06.16 SBL/TLOS signing @ Waterstones Bluewater West, UK
書店還幫忙把fans的禮物寄回美國給Chris XD!
Chris就是一位如此敏銳貼心的好孩子 >_<
* Chris收到的皇冠是來自這一位的禮物還有她朋友與Chris見面的經過
* George送畫給Chris的經過
只能說Chris道具有了(皇冠和警察叔叔?),玩心大起,散場這幾張照片造成整個暴動 XD ...
Dear Chris,
* Chris收到的皇冠是來自這一位的禮物還有她朋友與Chris見面的經過
* George送畫給Chris的經過
- Me: Maybe you can get Brian to do tricks with these treats.
- Chris: Oh god he wouldn't do any tricks. He’d just sit there and judge, that’s his trick.
只能說Chris道具有了(皇冠和警察叔叔?),玩心大起,散場這幾張照片造成整個暴動 XD ...
他的腰 Orz 真不虧是夾子魔人
2013.06.17 This Morning show
Q: What else is on the bucket list?
2013.06.22 sugarscape
這篇訪問雖然發表日為6/22,但是依Chris的服裝加上20號就有人看到他登機,所以他這篇報導應該是和上面的this morning show同一天錄的。這篇訪問的訪問者很有心,以童話故事的三位女性角色(灰姑娘、長髮公主、貝兒)身分向Chris提問,Chris也很多妙答 XD
“Because I have been fed that line as well…and it didn’t end very well.”
Q: If you could hang out with one fairy tale character for a day, who would you wanna hang out with?
There’s this guy, when I first met him I wasn’t a massive fan. He’s got this whole bad boy image going on and while at first I thought he was mean, after getting to know him, I think I’m starting to like him. The only problem is that I’ve just found out he’s actually been cursed and if he doesn’t find true love’s kiss soon, he’ll have to stay a beast forever.Do you think he’s using me or should I just go for it?
Hugs and kisses,
I love how Chris is all talking about fetishes and sexual shit in that interview and then hesitates at calling Goldilocks a badass. Christopher, you just talked about using protection, foot fetishes, hair pulling, etc. And you’re concerned that badass might be too much. Never change, bb.
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