只要稍微了解Chris都知道他對英國文化有多麼着迷 XD,這次除了去法國過他的歐洲歷史癮之外,英國這趟根本就是他的怨念之旅,去了好多喜歡的地方 XD
Defo just cooked for kurt from glee @chris colfer
他真的很愛唐頓莊園,還被官推轉推一定很開心 XDrz
Will先生一直都在場喔 XD!
"When I was 12, I wrote a very long letter to J. K. Rowling thanking her thoroughly for writing the Harry Potter books. I may have also accused her of being a real witch and insisted she take me with her the next time she traveled into the wizarding world. I was sent a “Dear Friend” letter and autographed photo back from her fan club and proceeded to sleep with them under my pillow for months after.
Harry Potter Studio Tour!
aplotkin716 :Special summer showcase of The Making of Harry Potter! Indescribable experience! #HarryPotter #Leavesden
Alla也有去而且拍了很多很可愛的照片,Alla和Chris根本就雷文克勞二人組 XD(Chris在推特和訪問中都回答過認為自己是雷文克勞 XD)
太開心了連Ashley都擔心他不回家了 XD
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