2013年7月13日 星期六

[Chris Colfer] Interview|Prince Charming: Glee star Chris Colfer turns teen author

這篇報導是好久不見的深入訪談,除了談一些以前沒有提過的東西,有些曾經拋出過的資訊他也以其他角度去談論他的看法。很棒的訪問,非常推薦,以下大略翻一下我覺得很重要的段落 >w< 誠摯感謝Alyx姐大量校正 QQ

2013/07/12 London Evening Standard|Prince Charming: Glee star Chris Colfer turns teen author

  • Hearing a bunch of 40-year-olds talking about what’s appealing to teenagers is always funny,’
  • ‘When I was a teenager, a studio executive told me that if I wanted to make a movie, it was going to have to be about how the character lost his virginity, how he wants to become popular, otherwise nobody’s gonna want to see it. I was like, “Absolutely not.” Not every teenager in the world is on a quest to become popular. I certainly wasn’t; when I was in high school, I wanted people to leave me alone.’

  • ‘My voice was so unique. I was never able to sing how I wanted to sing — I wanted to sing songs in my key! It was so frustrating. In choirs you get separated by gender, so I was like, “OK, tenor and bass, those are my options, great.” Sometimes I’d be uncomfortable singing low for so long. But I couldn’t think of another male character role with a high-pitched voice, apart from Mickey Mouse, and that was taken. So it was like, of course I can’t go into singing: there’s no part that exists for me.’
因為Chris的聲音太過特別,而且在合唱團中大多數是以性別分聲部,所以他通常只有tenor(男高音)或是bass(男低音)可以選擇,無法依照他想要的key和方式唱歌,不只讓他很挫敗,有的時候甚至會因為低音唱太久而感到不適。在當時Chris無法想像除了米老鼠之外的高音角色(而且已經被演走了 XD),因此對他來說當然不可能選擇唱歌,現實是沒有任何適合的角色存在

(然後我們都知道glee發生了什麼事情 XD)

  • ‘Everything that I have, I own. I grew up with very little, so when we started getting real money from the show, I was the person keen to buy a house; that way I’d always have a place to live whatever happened. I’m always very frugal and responsible with my finances.’

  • He’s not a big partygoer, although he recently went to a Beyoncé concert and somehow talked his way into a private viewing lounge. ‘I don’t think I was on the list but I had a couple of close friends in there so I convinced the bouncer to let me in,’
  • If he ever has time off, which is rare, ‘I’ll go to sleep on my couch in my Cookie Monster pyjamas or watch mindless reality TV, like Real Housewives.’ 
Chris不喜歡參加派對,雖然他最近才坐在私人包廂裡觀賞了碧昂絲的演唱會。他開玩笑表示,他不覺得自己在邀請名單上,但因為有幾位朋友在裡面,所以他說服保鑣讓他進入 XD。當他難得有假期時,他會穿著Cookie Monster(芝麻街藍色那隻)在沙發上睡覺或是看一些不用腦袋的實境秀,例如Real Housewives。

  • As for boyfriends: ‘I can’t answer. Honestly, the only reason I won’t answer is because I have a very... passionate fanbase. There’s a group of them that can be very invasive sometimes, so I always keep those things to myself.’

  • Still, he wouldn’t rule out having a family one day. ‘Right now I’m very career-driven. Maybe when I’m 30 I’ll turn round and have that conversation with myself. “Do I want to have kids? Do I want to leave something behind?” We’ll see.’

  • ‘There are a lot of Glee fans, and they’re everywhere, always. I think my biggest fear is to upset or disappoint one of them, but when you’re constantly asked to stop and be famous, and not live your life... a lot of them don’t understand. I made the mistake of going to a movie theatre by myself in a touristy part of LA when shooting got cancelled one afternoon, and people were grabbing me, yanking me so they could take a picture and tell all their Facebook friends that they saw me. I left with bruises on my arms.’
對Chris來說他最大的恐懼可能是讓廣大的glee fans不開心或失望,但是很多fans無法了解當你無時無刻被人攔下來,要求你當個名人與其合照而沒有自己的生活的感覺。他曾經犯了一個錯,在某個取消拍攝的下午自己一個人去LA觀光區的電影院看電影。結果人們為了拍張照片放在FB上而拉他、抓他,只為了能告訴其他朋友說看到他了,他手臂卻因此留下不少淤傷。

也許有些人會對Chris上面訪談提到的某些部分有誤會,但是對我來說我覺得他是希望fans可以尊重他,他除了是「Chris Colfer」之外,也跟我們一樣是普通人類,當有群眾不尊重他甚至是攻擊他,他會不開心、害怕、會受傷。所以身為fans可以做的是有禮貌地詢問他、尊重他的回應,可以跟他有很棒的互動喔 XD!



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