2013年7月17日 星期三

R.I.P. Cory Monteith


“Sorry I haven’t been around. There’s a good explanation.”

— Cory Monteith,on Inside the Actors Studio, in response to James Lipton’s question, “Finally, if heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?"

"when you spend the last three or four years of your life becoming a fan of someone and learning about the battles that they have overcome in their life, and how much they care about people,and then they become this inspiration for you, and then they’re just taken from the world, it truly feels like a part of you was ripped right out." alaric-saltzman

Missed: Fan, friends and family tributes appeared outside Fairmont Pacific Rim hotel upon the passing of Glee star Cory Monteith

"Cory Monteith was a great guy; Funny, deep, thoughtful, and hardworking. In real life, he was the coolest dude, generous, and a great friend to his pals. As Finn Hudson, he did what so many actors strive to do: authentically portray human behavior in a specific, understated manner, thereby eliciting laughter and creating camaraderie with his audience. If an ability to show others kindness and fostering fellowship are two qualities that all humans should strive for, Cory mastered them long before he died. He deserved a long life. His death has rocked all of us at Glee."Mike O’Malley on Cory

Damian McGinty talks about Cory Monteith

I have never lost a friend. In this difficult time, I am leaning on all of the wonderful memories we shared with Cory, how many ways he was able to make us smile. Glee was a gift to all of us. It gave us a family in this industry. We really cut our teeth and grew up on this show. In playing underdogs, we learned that we had dug into the hearts of our viewers and that we could stay there. Cory is so deserving of that place in everyone’s hearts. He was one of the most generous and kind people that I have ever met. He had a smart, curious mind, he was an enormous talent. He was loving to not only me, but my family. My heart goes out to his family, to Lea, to everyone that is struggling with the loss of our friend. We will miss you Cory. We will always carry a piece of you with us.”-Dianna Agron

“Don’t use the last chapter to judge someone’s life […], because his life is full of beautiful stories and triumphs and failures and successes that it doesn’t matter about his problems,it matters about the lives that he’s changed and it matters that he was genuine.”-Richard Monteith (Cory’s cousin)

因為fans的努力所以我們現在也有一顆名為Cory Monteith的星星在看照我們(詳細:here)。


謝謝你曾經的存在,謝謝你展現給我們勇氣和光明,讓我們知道不管是經過多麼辛苦的環境和磨難,依舊可以將它們化為對他人釋出善意的動力。即使你的離去讓我們的錯愕,但是在眼淚之後,我們會想起你的才華、你多享受你的工作、你的友情,在我們心中將留下你最快樂的形象,還有,thanks for the dance honey <3,一路好走。

Rest in Peace, sir. At the very least, we know that in the afterlife, you’re facepalming and laughing as you tell yourself, “I can’t believe those were my last tweets."highfiveshiningstrike

I like to imagine Cory arriving in heaven, testing out his new body and surroundings. And then an idea occurs to him. No longer encumbered by his earthly form, he decides to attempt the impossible. But then…
“Damn. I still can’t dance."-captain-on-the-bridge

2013/07/25 Cory Monteith Memorial Creates Somber Mood On Paramount Lot

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